Award dictionary

Field Name Data type Description
award_fixed_id Integer A unique code for this instance of the modern award resource that is fixed over each year
award_id Integer Unique identification number of award
award_operative_from Date The date when the award came into operation
Date The date when the award ceased to be in effect (was revoked).
code String The code assigned to the modern award. Also known as the award number.
name String The human readable title of the award
last_modified_datetime DateTime This is the date and time that the resource was last modified.
published_year String Year in which the minimum rates of pay were determined in the annual wage review.
version_number Integer This number indicates the version of the award resource. It is incremented by one each time the resource is updated.


Field name Data type Description
award_fixed_id Integer A unique code for this instance of the modern award resource that is fixed over each year
String A unique identification number of the base pay rate resource. Values have the prefix (“BR”).
Decimal Base rate of classification in clause
String Base rate type (Weekly, Hourly, Annual, Daily, Piecerate)
String A unique identification number of the calculated pay rate resource. Values have the prefix (“CR”).
String Calculated rate type (Hourly, Weekly, Annual, Daily, Fortnightly, Casual Hourly)
Decimal Calculate rate of classification within clause - derived value from base rate.
classification String Sub level classification of clause
classification_fixed_id integer Unique identification number of classification that is fixed over each year
integer A numerical representation of the classification within the hierarchical structure of classifications in a clause.
Starts at 1 for the lowest level classification.
String Clause description
clause_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of clauses that is fixed over each year.
clauses String Clause number
code String The code assigned to the modern award. Also known as the award number.
String An indicator if the rate is for an adult or otherwise:
  • AD - Adult
  • JN - Junior
  • AP - Apprentice
  • AA - Adult apprentice
  • TN - Trainee rates
  • XT - Exited from trainee-ship but not an Adult
  • CA - Cadet
last_modified_datetime DateTime This is the date and time that the resource was last modified.
integer Refers to the classification_fixed_id for the next logical classification down the classification hierarchy.
integer Refers to the classification_fixed_id for the next logical classification up the classification hierarchy.
operative_from Date The date on which the classification came into effect.
Date The date on which the classification ceased to be in effect.
String Parent level classification of clause
published_year Integer Year in which the minimum rates of pay were determined in the annual wage review.
version_number Integer This number indicates the version of the classification resource. It is incremented by one each time the resource is updated.

Wage allowance

Field name Data type Description
allowance String Description of allowance
Decimal Contains calculated allowance value ($) for the current year
award_fixed_id Integer A unique code for this instance of the modern award resource that is fixed over each year
base_pay_rate_id Integer A unique identification number of the base pay rate resource used to calculate the allowance amount. Values have the prefix (“BR”).
clause_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of clause that is fixed over each year
clauses String Clause number
code String The code assigned to the modern award. Also known as the award number.
is_all_purpose TinyInteger Used to flag whether an allowance applies for all purposes (1 = True, 2 = False).
An all-purpose allowance applies to all employees or a specific group of employees and forms part of their ordinary hourly rate
last_modified_date_time DateTime This is the date and time that the resource was last modified.
operative_from Date The date on which the allowance came into effect.
Date The date on which the allowance ceased to be in effect.
String Description of parent allowance
String Denotes when the payment is made (i.e. per week, per hour etc.)
published_year Integer Year in which the minimum rates of pay were determined in the annual wage review.
Decimal Percentage of standard rate (base rate)
String Rate unit (Percent)
version_number integer This number indicates the version of the allowance resource. It is incremented by one each time the resource is updated.
wage_allowance_fixed_id integer Unique identification number of the wage-related allowance that is fixed over each year

Expense allowance

Field name Data type Description
allowance String Description of allowance
Decimal Contains calculated allowance value ($) for the current year
award_fixed_id Integer A unique code for this instance of the modern award resource that is fixed over each year
clauses String Clause number
clause_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of clause that is fixed over each year
code String The code assigned to the modern award. Also known as the award number.
String The quarter in which the CPI of last adjusted year relates to.
It will be populated in 2021 for those expense allowances that were adjusted in 2020.
expense_allowance_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of the expense-related allowance that is fixed over each year
is_all_purpose TinyInteger Used to flag whether an allowance applies for all purposes (1 = True, 2 = False).
An all-purpose allowance applies to all employees or a specific group of employees and forms part of their ordinary hourly rate
Integer The year in which the expense allowance was last adjusted
last_modified_date_time DateTime This is the date and time that the resource was last modified.
operative_from Date The date on which the allowance came into effect.
Date The date on which the allowance ceased to be in effect.
String Description of parent allowance
String Denotes when the payment is made (ie per meal, per km etc)
published_year Integer Year in which the minimum rates of pay were determined in the annual wage review.
version_number integer This number indicates the version of the allowance resource. It is incremented by one each time the resource is updated.


Field name Data type Description
award_fixed_id Integer A unique code for this instance of the modern award resource that is fixed over each year.
String A unique identification number of the base pay-rate resource used to calculate the penalty value.
Integer A numerical representation of the classification within the hierarchical structure of classifications in a clause.
Starts at 1 for the lowest level classification.
clause_description String Adds context to the penalties of a clause.
Description is taken from the clause heading from the corresponding Summary table in the Award (ie Full-time and part-time adult employees–ordinary and penalty rates)
clause_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of clause that is fixed over each year
code String The code assigned to the modern award. Also known as the award number.
employee_rate_type code
String An indicator if the rate is for an adult or otherwise:
  • AD - Adult
  • JN - Junior
  • AP - Apprentice
  • AA - Adult apprentice
  • TN - Trainee rates
  • XT - Exited from trainee-ship but not an Adult
  • CA - Cadet
last_modified_date_time DateTime This is the date and time that the resource was last modified.
operative_from Date The date on which the penalty rate came into effect.
Date The date on which the penalty rate ceased to be in effect.
Decimal Calculated value of penalty
penalty_description String A textual description of the penalty rate
penalty_fixed_id Integer Unique identification number of the penalty that is fixed over time
published_year Integer Year in which the minimum rates of pay were determined in the annual wage review.
rate Decimal The value of penalty that is applied as a percentage to the minimum/ordinary hourly rate
version_number integer This number indicates the version of the penalty resource. It is incremented by one each time the resource is updated